Conceptualized in 2012 to ignite the minds of the youth towards a more responsible and justifiable world, MCGSMUN seeks to be a learning experience for every participant as it promises to mould these young minds into intellectual global leaders, who will change the face of the world as it is today for greater well being. With merely 150 delegates and just five committees under its roof the first year, MCGSMUN has taken a quantum jump, as this year we have more than 320 delegates from across the nation and overseas, in addition to this, the conference will house eight extremely varied committees to cater to every individual's choice.

The world today lacks two of the most basic needs to have peace, that is, the practice of justice and fairplay, and the redundance of these has lead the people of this world towards having animalistic behavior so much so that the most atrocious happenings fall on deaf ears. Therefore, by keeping the theme of this year's conference 'Unite to Ignite', we at MCGSMUN are taking an initiative towards improving this shattered world.





The General Assembly allocates to the Third Committee, agenda items relating to a range of social.. read more


The Security Council takes the lead in determining the existence of a threat to the peace.. read more


This year, to celebrate the UN Year of Pulses, the FAO is being convened to discuss.. read more


The agency is mandated to lead and co-ordinate international action to protect refugees and resolve .. read more


Fusce fermentum placerat magna ac pharetra. Aliquam euismod elit non ipsum lacinia consectetur.read more


The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations (UN). read more


This Committee came into being on 29th April, 1997, as a consequence of identical Resolutions.. read more


The World Bank promotes long-term economic development and poverty reduction by providing.. read more



Principal's Address

"Unite to Ignite"

On behalf of the Mayo College Girls' School, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the fifth MCGS Model United Nations Conference, a much looked forward to event on our school calendar as it attracts some of the brightest minds who have the courage to think differently on a variety of issues which the world is grappling with today.

We look forward to three days of thought-provoking debate and discussion – a true intellectual churning which will provide us with fresh slants to world issues, from which may emerge solutions hitherto not arrived at before.

Desmond Tutu said, "Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all the darkness", so apt not only for the times we find ourselves in but also for the centuries which passed by and, I'm certain, for the times to come. Despite the many soul-wrenching trials and tribulations which mankind has faced, the will to rise above them has always been uppermost because there has always been a hope for a better tomorrow; and all actions have been directed at alleviating distress.

Today, too, we live in an imperfect world beset by many problems which are the outcome of man's intolerance, selfishness, greed, ruthlessness, and bigotry; but we have always held to the hope, the belief, the conviction that there is a better life, a better world, a better future beyond the horizon.The purpose of providing a platform to the young citizens of the world is to renew our faith in the principles of justice and fair playand in the good which resides in people, so that they may lay the foundations of a better tomorrow.

What you wish to ignite in others must first burn within yourself. May each delegate be driven by the passion to bring about change, and may their collective energies truly bring about change in the world.

Ms. Kanchan Khandke